Srikrishnan Ganesan (Rocketlane)
Arvind Parthiban (SuperOps)
Rocketlane's Journey (new category)
💡 Goals & Learnings
- Tried to optimize for momentum
- Hit $1M in the first year
- Wanted to keep the morale up
- Invested in marketing from Day 1 (pictures for PR etc.)
- Raised money on Day 1
- Tried the unification approach.
- They wanted to launch all four products together vs building it one by one.
- They didn't launch an MVP with design partners instead they launched a compound product.
- Spent a lot of time on discovery and PMF.
- The product looked mature on Day 1.
- The whole team would be notified of bugs through an emoji on screen - hence everyone focused on creating finished products.
“Discuss and exchange ideas then make them your own!”
Wanted to invest heavily in marketing + PR. The founder needs to sit and check campaigns, blogs etc. to enable the marketing team.