
Manoj Agarwal

Ron Bodkin

Soham Mazumdar

Rajat Monga

By Manoj Agarwal (DevRev)

Discussion points


Top 3 Learnings

  1. Normalize

    1. Normalize thinking about usage of GenAI and services that are readily available - foundational models, LLM models (orchestration layer)
    2. Question the need of a specialist vs doing it yourself!
    3. You don't need to host your own infrastructure, a dedicated instance on OpenAI or a specialized learning model. This could be a data engineering problem.
  2. Take Action

    1. Host Hackathons! Invite the whole team including interns.
    2. Structure: Ideate, team up and learn different tools to craft and submit a solution.
    3. Start with themes and technology environment for the team that is relevant to your product.
    4. From 5 engineers → 200 contributors
  3. Stay paranoid!

    1. You can be disrupted!
    2. If you were start again today, would you use the same technology?

    Book rec: Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Identify and Exploit the Crisis Points that Challenge Every Business by Andrew Grove (https://g.co/kgs/vnZ5XA)

